Everyday we try to do better, by creating even less waste, making much more compost, eating more and more vegan/vegetarian, generating and storing more solar energy, harvesting more rainwater and travelling only by EV or Public Transport.
But having watched this TED-talk, we have to conclude we still need to do more and convince more (young) people to drastically change their life. And this immediately creates a big dilemma for us; do we say 'no' to young WorkAway-volunteers from Australia who want to come to us to learn about permaculture and a sustainable lifestyle?
After having watched the full 18:30minutes, decide what the changes will be that you can make to help save humanity! It may be in your dietary habits, your buying-behavior, your travelling-practices and what politicians you vote for in elections.
Yvonne and I do not pretend that we could not go further in what we do already, but if we all make more changes, we could really make a big difference together.
It is a fair reaction that our leaders do not 'lead the way' in climate-saving policies and legislation, out of fear for the loss of seats at the next elections.
But somebody has to start and why not us with our volunteers? A real grass-root movement.
With immediate effect we will no longer accept WorkAway-volunteers who have no view/stance on what their contribution in all the above is and don't have a vision on what they will do, after returning home, with the skills they learn at our place.
And especially not host the ones that are just #flyingforfun!
Changing the world, one person at a time!
Paul // climate-rebel and foodforest-farmer